Anatomy Education for the Life You Lead

Anatomy on Purpose provides anatomy education for the life you lead. You’ll find videos, articles, workshops and courses that share my understanding of bodies to help you change yours.

To the average working person, studying anatomy probably doesn’t sound like the best way to change your life.

But what if understanding our bodies could change the way we treated them? Change the way we sat, or moved or thought about ourselves. What if we could study all the ways that our bodily pains overlap repeatedly with our postural habits, or emotional strains and the way we breathe or move?

To study a body in that way is Anatomy on Purpose.


Warming-In: An Introductory Self-Study

A 6-week workshop to get into our own understanding of body. This course has video content to explore at your own pace and weekly livestream calls to discuss what we’re learning. You’ll leave with a thorough understanding of your own body systems and how those systems relate to what you feel.


Check out these free videos, resources, and articles

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